Katt Williams Cancels Hollywood

Finally, Hollywood has met its match. It’s been about a week now, and everybody is still talking about that monster championship of interview, equivalent to a Super Bowl win for Shannon Sharpe. The record smashing Katt Williams interview on Shannon Sharpe’s Club Shay Shay podcast, currently sitting at 43 million views after 8 days, not only was a promotional master move by the controversial comedian, but also an indictment against all the filth and corruption that has been Hollywood for many decades. For proof of this, think of how Hollywood rating system got created in the first place.

Back in the 1920s, before movie ratings existed, families used to going to movie theaters for family entertainment. Little did they know, Hollywood executives and producers were nasty, filthy creatures. Behind the scenes, they were so used to engaging in debauchery and licentiousness that they began putting it on the screen in theaters without warning the families. Parents were so horrified by the filth displayed in the movies that they covered their children’s eyes and complained to politicians. With the Great Depression of the 1930s making people more conservative, Congress took Hollywood to task and forced those nasty buzzards to put ratings on their filth so that families can decide what’s appropriate.

So the government had to force those nasty Hollywood executives to clean up their content. But based on what Katt Williams has exposed, and what we’ve heard from the P Diddy scandal, Harvey Weinstein and the latest Jeffrey Eppstone list of people going to that filthy island of underage girls, it’s time that the government once again force these sick, twisted, satanic entertainment industry leaders to stop corrupting young talent.

Until Congress does something, let’s thank people like Katt Williams for singlehandedly canceling Hollywood. 40+ millions views is not an accident. It’s a judgment against the filth and corruption of Hollywood. The health crisis of 2020 that shut down movie theaters exposed how people were actually losing interest in movies anyway. Now that theaters are opened again, they fail to get the pre pandemic numbers. Many of Hollywood’s so called best talent have been exposed to being only so so talented, and only got their break because they did sleezy things to nasty executives to get their movie roles, TV shows, or hit songs.

No other Shannon Sharpe interviews did more than 10 million views, so for the Katt Williams interview to be on track to probably surpass 50 or 60 million views by the end of January means we’re witnessing a major shift in public trust of Hollywood. Through Katt Williams, the public is saying enough is enough, you nasty, corrupt Hollywood executives. Stop destroying dreams the way y’all let the dreams of Cassie get derailed by your gatekeepers like P Diddy. Stop rewarding the stealing of jokes and songs and movie scripts and TV show ideas, giving the dreams of good people to your corrupted gatekeepers.

This is especially important for men because Hollywood has long had this cringe fascination with putting strong men in dresses. They emasculate men, especially brothas lately. It is tough for honest men to create a legacy in the entertainment industry when their ideas get stolen. And we all know Hollywood created the Me Too anti male movement, which turned off more good men from anything Hollywood produces.

Therefore, the Hollywood gatekeepers have not been kind to men, pushing western nations to be hostile to gentlemen. Good riddance, demonic Hollywood. I hope Katt Williams and others continue to sling stones at that dark behemoth of corrupt movies, TV shows and music that steals ideas from once happy people whose dreams were crushed by perverted executives. Let’s create a better entertainment industry that is not so bent on emasculating men.

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The Championship of Standup Comedy|Katt Williams v Steve Harvey:

V103 Katt vs Wanda:

 Willie D and Katt W interview:

Shannon Sharpe and Katt W Interview:


Hollywood Censored: Movies, Morality & the Production Code


 YouTube Channel:



Published by The Affluent Team

Your source for info on the tastes and activities of the affluent blacks of Dallas-Ft. Worth.

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